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4-H In-Classroom Workshops

Leon County 4-H offers youth the opportunity to participate in educational workshops that aim to promote learning through exploration and research in the classroom. Youth will be able to explore a topic, learn about career opportunities, and gain access to the many resources of the University of Florida.

Future In-Classroom Workshops

  • Entomology

    Event Description: Dive into the fascinating world of insects in our entomology workshop! Designed to engage and inspire, this classroom-based session offers an interactive journey into the realm of insects, their role in our ecosystems, and their importance to our everyday lives. Participants will get hands-on experience identifying various insect species, learn about their unique characteristics, behaviors, and life cycles, and explore their diverse habitats. We'll also touch on topics like beneficial insects in agriculture and the ecological significance of pollinators. This workshop is not only a great way to bring biology to life but also an opportunity to instill an appreciation for these often-underappreciated organisms. Get ready to inspect the insect world like never before! Suitable for all curious minds with an interest in the natural world.

    Intended Grades: TBA

    Instructors: TBA

    Date: TBA

    Time: TBA

  • Microbiology

    Description: This captivating, classroom-based experience is designed to introduce participants to the fundamental concepts of microbiology, exploring the diverse microorganisms that play crucial roles in our lives and environment. Students will have the opportunity to observe various microbes under the microscope, understand their characteristics and behaviors, and learn about their essential functions in nature, from nutrient cycling to disease pathology. We'll also delve into the exciting applications of microbiology in fields such as public health, agriculture, and biotechnology. This hands-on, interactive workshop is an ideal gateway for anyone curious about the smaller aspects of life that yield significant impacts. Prepare to be amazed by the unseen wonders that inhabit our world at the microscopic level! Suitable for all students with a passion for science and discovery.

    Intended Grades: TBA

    Instructor: TBA

    Date: TBA

    Time: TBA




  • I am a teacher, can I start a 4-H school club?

    Absolutely! As a teacher, you are well-positioned to start a 4-H club at your school. The 4-H program encourages educators to become involved and form clubs because they recognize that teachers already have a significant relationship with students and can help facilitate the 4-H experience within the school setting. 

    Leon County 4-H provides teachers with various types of support, including curriculum development and resources. We help teachers identify appropriate 4-H curriculum materials, provide training on how to use those materials, and offer guidance on incorporating 4-H principles and methods into their classroom teaching. We can also help facilitate access to other resources within the UF/IFAS and 4-H network, like subject matter experts or local community partners.

    Additionally, youth who are 4-H members are eligible to attend state events and apply for 4-H scholarships. 

  • I am a teacher; why should I start a 4-H club?

    Starting a 4-H club as a teacher can bring numerous benefits to your students, your school, and your professional development.

    1. Youth Development: 4-H programs are designed to help youth develop critical life skills like leadership, citizenship, and communication. These are skills that complement their academic learning and are important for their overall personal development.

    2. Hands-on Learning: 4-H clubs often emphasize "learning by doing." This experiential approach can enhance students' understanding of various topics and encourage them to apply their knowledge in practical, real-world contexts.

    3. Interests Beyond Classroom: A 4-H club can explore topics beyond the regular school curriculum, providing students with the chance to pursue their personal interests, whether that's in fields like STEM, agriculture, arts, public speaking, or others.

    4. Community Service: Leon County 4-H participates in community service activities. This provides students with opportunities to give back to their communities, understand societal needs, and develop a sense of responsibility. It can also help students form bonds with other youths and promote a sense of belonging.

    5. Professional Development: As a Leon County 4-H teacher volunteer, you will be provided with additional experiences and skills in youth mentoring, project management, and community outreach.

    6. Partnership with 4-H Network: Starting a 4-H club connects your school with the broader 4-H network and the University of Florida, providing access to resources, training, and potential collaborations that can help you professionally. 

Meet Your Agents

Marcus Boston

man standing against blue background

County Extension Director
4-H Youth Development
(850) 606-5200


Valerie Mendez

Woman with glasses sitting in front of a garden.

4-H Youth Development
(850) 606-5204